Okay guys, here I tell you about my educational experience at collage, Universitas Negeri Makassar. I was for 2006 batch in English Education C class. It was surely glad to be with all my friends, both boys and girls. It felt like there’s a brotherhood relationship between us. I could barely remember when we were doing assignment together and receiving different point, it was called “this is my luck”. We called ourselves as BRITISH INSIDE. I didn’t know exactly where those words delivered, but it’s already Wardi’s idea. After four years, of course we have to find our own fortune going aside the world to find what we want. I come back and stay at my hometown, while my friends I have no idea about that. A little bit I know about some girls, the point is we catch our own job and live.
BRITISH INSIDE was our proudly name because that was the only class which did need to be altogether to decide everything. Though that we were not a cute genius class, our class attempted the highest point sometime. We were about 35 students from different backgrounds and absolutely characters. We had a lot of boy friends and they were keen of sport. I could remember well the first time we visited Bantimurung together was because the prize of the game. It was very cute and became unforgettable moment ever. Outside that much matters affects us that we will miss each other I believe.
Being in a class was not easy, there was a war once. It was permitted because everybody had different stuff of head like Ayu vs. Umar or Umar vs. a whole class. Most of friend might say Fitri as a weirdo, but that’s a uniquely of her I guess. Ima was the super unpunctuality person. Wiwi was the wisest lady ever. Aswar was a laptop fairy, you knew where you should go if your laptop got fixed. Kade and Devian were ever after couple, everyone knew that there were hundred times he shot and rejected, but yeah they re in love now I think. There are many stories I can tell you.
The captain was Umar and the vice was Ishak. I could remember who others participated the class organization, but it could be Rahmiana Rahman and Fitri Ananda Baso. The class was not strict, the lecturers in fact. Some of them could be in a gang, I called it RiTa cs, whose the formations were Rezki Aziz, Siti Qadriah, Syamsinar, Ulfiah Utami, Nurfalah and of course Rita Puspita. Then, I tell you about guys who came in a pair such as Alfirawati Bakri & Salmi, Ni Amma Nur Laily & Sabaria Bakri, and the trio Giswa Vina Astini, Adriani Palunan, & Lela Nur Sri Mustari. Where was I, I might be close to Masyita, St. Nurhidayah or Wiwintisari Mahis. We had Rezky Pratiwi and Sitti Fatimah Saleng as the icon of class, super active and of course we’re proud to have you. Other girls are Ayu Nirmawati, Ferawati Karim, Imelda Mallipa and the boys are Zulkarnain Hasyim, Muh. Aras, Devian Yusnawir, Aswar Abidin, Asrul Syamsir, Ahmad Mawardi, Fahrul Syatir, Akram Sainuddin, Rustam Efendi and Darwin. I think some of them were in love, but that’s not my business to explain here, I let their heart talk, xoxoxoxo.I don’t know whether my friends outside have already conquered or not, I hope they do.
Whoa it seems to be childish to write your names all, but thank me please for remembering your name *it’s not an easy case, right.
BalasHapusjadi teringat semua kenangan2 indah bersama BI, serasa ingin kembali ke masa2 itu , masa2 yg penuh suka cita, kebahagiaan, kebersamaan, pershabatan, kekeluargaan yang berasal dari jiwa-jiwa yg unik, yg penuh kesederhanaan dan kekurangan.
BalasHapussalam BI !!! :-)
kpn reuniannya ????
Thanks for reading guys,
BalasHapusI wrote it in May 18, 2011.
at least those what I could say about us, written words!
Nice works, Rin! even after we're all in different paths now! we still keeps each other in our heart, I guess!
BalasHapusAs long as you still recognize me when you walk, when you see me, your tiny nueron will greet me, I am still happy to have you here!