It’s a little bit embrassing to tell about this since I’m just a fresh graduated of a state university and I belive that this is not really seriously called career. I’ve been working as English teacher since 2008 first at my ex junior school at my hometown, Maros. It is SMP 1 Maros, as the seventh grade English teacher. Recently I handle the appropriate classes and be responsible for the curricula. So totally, I have put my loyalty for three years, *nice to know. I also work as an super ordinary English instructor for PRIMAGAMA Collage, it’s brand new branch so the students are less.
I began my teaching while lecturing at the collage, so the sweetest understanding from the school academic leader was to place my schedule on Friday or Saturday. Then, I get about sixteen-hour teaching a week. I considerably work there because I fully know that I can serve myself with a kind of real loyalty and taking much creativity to make the class alive. It is such a lecture class for me, though I can’t trust of how much salary I get to pay my hard working, *it’s uncountable. I ever decided to join a course place, but I was not really satisfied with all the decided appointment. In other words, I hate a job which encourages me with the total of money. I meant I would seriously be worked by my excitement and skills, not as the reason as I had a good position to recruit my pupils to book the application batch. Learning is a message of heart, no one can force to do what you do not prefer. Then I did quit. A friend called me to replace her as Indonesia tutor for native speaker (kids). It was so much interesting, more than I ever thought. It was in Language Center UNM, in November and December 2010. I had four students, Leilani and Lidya from Australia and Joshua and Keylaf from USA. Unfortunately, I could not have any experience anymore, fact that some reasons I can explain. But I love it so much, outstanding. There is a strict distinction of teaching Indonesian and foreigners. I can tell you, but I just fell. But, impressively I can conclude that young learners are amazing. They can put you down by less knowledge you have, that is way teaching is a motivation to be more knowledgeable. I tried to apply for some free teacher, but some institutions could not give any help because of classical reason, *contract*. I a little bit disagree of it, yes because I’m young and that’s not my desire. It feels like I have targeted for some ideals. Now, I need to wait and be persistent of them. One ore, this year I don’t enroll my Master degree because of compelling to some scholarship application. I’m doubt, but it’s better for me to try. Seriously, I find my gorgeous self-esteem sometime and an awareness that I have to learn much more. It’s no use to think that I’m perfect, but a desire to see my dream pumps me up. Finally, wherever I am, I just want to present all I have particularly my skill as an English teacher to my beloved country. No best thing except being a teacher, outstanding me………….